Global Precision Industries, Inc. has trusted relationships in manufacturing regions around the globe. Our network engages resources that exceed our uncompromising standards. We know the people, their cultures, their business practices and their manufacturing methods.
Global Precision Industries, Inc. ensures success through project managers who are on-the-ground providing continual oversight…..facilitating…..driving to move your project forward. We are personally involved in every aspect of sourcing and delivery. We adhere to rigorous international best practices while taking your project from concepting through engineering, production and logistics — or any of these steps you require.
Global Exchange
Global Precision Industries, Inc. offers unique, two-way opportunities in China.
We have a well-practiced business in China. It offers a proven track record for managing manufacturing and logistics – to specification, timing and budget. We are successful through our expert staff, based in China, who provide permanent, hands-on expertise to expedite and oversee every aspect of your project.
Trusted relationships are the essential foundation of conducting business in China. Through our offices in the port city of Ningbo, China, we have an extensive network of influential contacts in manufacturing, logistics, government and import/export trade organizations. Our regular business interactions make us effective business partners. This network grows every day.
Global Precision Industries, Inc. can also help develop commercial opportunities by facilitating export into China. We can assisting with business planning, navigate cultural differences, and make personal introductions. China holds vast opportunities. Export into China is an invigorating and profitable means to expand your business. Don’t miss the opportunity to tap global markets.

Product Development
We provide expert advice to OEMs and custom manufacturers to help them compete on a global basis.From Concept to Doorstep
Learn more about the Concepting wing at Global Precision Industries, Inc.
In our globally competitive world, expertly engineered solutions can translate into significant savings.Engineered Solutions Equal Results
Learn more about Engineering services at Global Precision Industries.
With experience and expertise across broad manufacturing methods, Global Precision Industries, Inc. will customize the right approach for you.Experience and Expertise
Learn more about the Global Precision Industries, Inc. Production line.